Education Building blocks for better futures The earlier children have access to educational opportunities, the better their health outcomes are likely to be. That’s because early developmental opportunities provide a foundation... 8.7K
Education 3 ways education impacts health Americans with more education live longer and have healthier lives, according to the Center on Society and Health at Virginia Commonwealth University. Preparing for higher... 3.9K
Social Structures What is systemic racism? The term “systemic racism” has been used frequently in recent months. What do we mean by that? Systemic racism is discrimination that is rooted in... 2.8K
Education Bias and student performance Implicit bias can shape both teacher expectations and student performance. This is important to understand because whether or not—or how much—a teacher believes in students... 4.5K
Economic Security Health & housing critically tied Poor health is a major cause of homelessness. If an injury or chronic condition results in someone being unable to work, paying rent or a... 7.3K
Economic Security Six ways a job affects your health Poorly compensated employment, unsafe employment and unemployment can all impact a person’s health and well-being. Some people work at jobs with lower wages that can... 7.2K
Economic Security Skills are the starting point Studies have shown that unemployment impacts one's financial, physical and mental well-being. Laid-off workers are more likely to develop a stress-related condition, such as stroke,... 4.2K
Food Good food for thought Eating healthy is a great goal, but it’s not always affordable—especially for those receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Local farmers markets are working... 6.8K
Communities Loneliness leads to poor health Did you know that there's a difference between being alone and feeling lonely? You may be alone but have a strong social network that helps... 5.6K
Food Food insecurity in Indiana Each day, people across Indiana must weigh affordability, access and good nutrition when making choices about food and feeding their family. And the choices they... 4.3K